Sunday, January 2, 2011

December Stuff and New Year Stuff

16,544 words written -- 7 pts
4 submissions -- 4 pts
TOTAL = 11 pts, yay!

Koala Challenge 9

My writing total for the year was 78,130 words. That's less than '09, which was a bit over 102K. :/ On the plus side, I sent out 26 submissions last year, which is more than any other year, and in fact I'm pretty sure that's more than total number of submissions I'd ever sent out before in my life, which is pretty darned cool, so I'm proud of myself in that area.

McKoala's Challenge definitely motivated me there; she's getting ready to start up a new round for 2011, and I highly recommend it. It's fun and motivating and you get cool graphics even if you flake off. :) I'll do another post with a link when the sign-up page is posted.

You know, I was sure I posted some goals for this year back in January, but I can't find them now. [squint] I was in the middle of getting ready to move at the time, so I might've been a bit delusional. :P What I remember was something like finishing and submitting the next novel in the Hidden Magic verse, plus some short stories (in any verse.) I didn't finish the novel :( but I had eight short stories circulating around, and three of them got published, so that's not too bad. Oh, and I wrote that SF romance for the Goodreads event, which is a freebie on my web site now

For the coming year, I will get that darned novel done and in (grrr!) and at least another eight stories. The 2010 wordcount was awful; I've got to improve that this year. I need at least one more free story for the web site, too. Ideally I want a free (stand-alone) story on my web site in each subgenre I write in, so people who want to check me out before paying money can try whatever kind of story they're into. So add at least one more free story to the total, bringing it up to at least nine.

And I want to be on Koala Approves every month this year. I should be able to do that -- 20K words written for the month earns nine points all by itself, and for each story submission I can subtract 2K words written and still make goal. That's not even counting editing points. It should be doable if I don't flake out. Given the realities of my variable brain chemistry, I'm sure I will flake out periodically, but if I shoot for a perfect score, maybe I'll only miss a few times. [crossed fingers] You've gotta aim high, right? :)

Best of luck to everyone for 2011. [wave]


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